Creating insights – inspiring flow!

Andrea Danner – Leadership Consulting News

Using our 5 intelligences to manage complex challenges!

We often think that we should only use our rational intelligence, our analytical, logical mind, in order to „play it safe“ and to be able to master problems, challenges – also those of the future – well and in a way that others can also understand.

But we can fall back on the 5 essential intelligences to effectively use our potential for more creativity, inspiration and innovation and to come to completely new insights and problem solutions:

Mind – Kraft des Denkes und rationalen Verstandes

Intuition – Kraft der Wahrnehmung und spontanen Eingebung

Inspiration – Kraft der kreativen Ideen und visionärer Impulse

Heart – Kraft des Herzens und der emotionalen Intelligenz

Body – Kraft der Körpersignale, Gefühle & Emotionen

Take the test for yourself:

  • On a scale of 0-10 (0 I don’t have at all – 10 is fully available to me) – where do I stand today in relation to the 5 intelligences?
  • Is there a focus? What is it good for? What is this serving me for right now?
  • Am I missing something? Should I expand another intelligence? And what would that do for me? How would my life and my work change?


Creating deep insights

Harrison Assessments

Die Harrison Assessments Analytics beinhalten ein systematisches Erfassen von Präferenzen, Motivationen, Interessen und auch Bedürfnissen im Arbeitskontext – individuell für Mitarbeiter, Führungskräfte sowie für Teams und Organisationen.

Deutlich werden Stärken, Wachstumsfelder und – blockaden, aber auch Wege für Entwicklung und Sicherung des Erfolges.

Harrison Assessments bietet einen On-Line Fragebogen zur individuellen Erfassung und eine IT-Plattform für ein umfassendes Auswertungsangebot.

More information about Harrison Assessmentss


Jedes gesunde System hat eine innere Architektur des Feldes, einen Bauplan des Unbewussten, auf dessen Basis die Realität entsteht. Feldveränderungen gehen der Realität oft voraus. Eine echte Prophylaxe ist damit möglich.

Das Feld ist mit systemwise auslesbar.

Methoden sind:

  • Strukturiertes, intuitives Erkennen der aktuellen Situation
  • Blockaden und Flow-Elemente auf allen Ebenen wahrnehmen und verstehen
  • Entscheidungs- und Wachstums-Parameter bestimmen
  • Potentielle Handlungsalternativen testen und wirksam entscheiden


Harrison Paradox Report
Systemwise Teamstruktur


Inspiring leaders and their teams to grow


Inspiring leaders

  • „Understanding Myself“ to understand myself more comprehensively – reflecting on motivations, competencies, needs, areas of development and also the unconscious consequences of actions, often on the basis of a Harrison Assessments analysis.
  • „How to do it My Way“ clearly outline the path to the future – what do I really want to achieve and how do I want to impact the team/the organization?
  • „Unplug“ creating space to grow, get the hurdles out of the way – practice new behavioral options and leverage growth potentials
  • “Take Aligned Action“ get into a new routine – discover target-oriented rituals , creating new pathways, leading to personal goals
  • „Lead“ – how do I apply what I have learned in my leadership role.

Inspiring teams

  • „Understanding us“ what is the „Purpose“ of our team; what makes us „tick“? What are our strengths, challenges and growth potentials?
  • „OurWay“ Where do we want to go (when as a TEAM, when as individual team members); and what exactly do we want to accomplish, in what time, with what resources?
  • „Unplug“ get the team hurdles out of the way – broaden perspectives, practice new behavioral options, negotiate or agree on new approaches to information sharing, consultation, support, and decision making
  • „Take Aligned Action“ get into a new routine – discover appropriate rituals that secure the path and lead to team – goals
  • For the Team Leader – „Lead“ – how do I apply what I have learned in my leadership role.


Harrison Basic Accreditation Training

Assessing for Competence - Training your Intuition

Harrison - Balancing the Paradoxes

Leading in Presence

Andrea Danner

My path led me from numbers, data and facts – in my first job in private equity – to people, especially people in change processes. Always driven by performance and always wanting to achieve to my high personal standards of excellence, my own change process took me through many ups and downs, gave me wonderful insights and strengthened my expertise and competencies.

As managing partner of AD Leadership Consulting GmbH, in international personnel management consultancies and in operational personnel management functions – as a member of management teams, in Germany and abroad – I have experienced many different situations, mastered challenges and, in particular, accompanied and shaped many change processes.

Andrea Danner
My passion is to support people in challenging situations to gain clarity about what they really want, how to use their strengths and resources well, how to leverage their „dormant“ potentials and thus perform with more ease and achieve the results they expect from themselves.



Otto GmbH & Co.KG
EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH
Hermes Fulfilment GmbH
Hermes Einrichtungs Service GmbH & Co.KG
Bertelsmann SE
Arvato Supply Chain Solutions SE

BFS health finance GmbH>


Tesa SE
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Dachser Group SE & Co. KG
Rajapack GmbH
Walbusch Walter Busch GmbH & Co. KG


osb international Consulting AG
MY CA­RE­ER­MAP Ul­ri­ke Bent­la­ge e.K.


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